Recognition of prior learning(RPL) is a process that assesses applicant’s competency acquired through formal and informal learning to determine if the candidate meets the requirements for a unit of study1
This RPL Kit has been developed in consultation with Industry and qualified trainers and assessors to assist in making valid assessment decisions whilst remaining compliant with the requirements of the training package.
The RPL Assessment Toolkit for this qualification is provided in the following five companion documents:
- Assessor Guide – provides assessors with information to assist them in conducting high quality candidate-focussed RPL assessments for the qualification.
- Candidate Guide– provides candidates with information to assist them in undertaking focussed RPL assessments for the qualification.
- Workplace Guide– provides workplaces with information on how they can support candidates to undertake RPL assessments for the qualification.
- Forms and Templates– It provides assessors and Registered Training Organisations with forms and templates to be used for RPL assessments.
- Unit Mapping– It provides detailed mapping of endorsed components of the units of competency to the assessment tools and evidence provided by the candidate in support of the RPL application.
Follow the steps listed below to process RPL applications:
Step 1: Candidate seeking RPL completes an RPL Application Form
Step 2: Candidate completes a self-assessment tool to self-assess their skills and knowledge according to training package requirements and collect appropriate supporting documentation and evidence in support of their RPL application.
Step 3: Assessor completes competency conversation questionnaire for the candidate based on evidence provided to determine skills and knowledge required to perform various tasks in accordance with Unit of competency requirements.
Step 4: Candidate demonstrates practical skills wherever applicable and gets a third-party report filled up by the workplace supervisor.
Candidate workplace representative form: All workplace representatives who verify candidate’s skills and knowledge must complete this form. Workplace representatives will typically be working with the candidate in a position of responsibility, perhaps their employer or supervisor, hold higher qualifications than the candidate, and should have observed candidate’s workplace performance.
Third party report: This report must be completed as accurately as possible by candidate’s workplace representative/s.
Licence & Customisation
All RPL Kit documents are provided in Microsoft Word format to allow for customisation wherever deemed necessary. You are allowed to rebrand and reproduce the RPL documents enclosed only within your Registered Training Organisation (RTO). CIC RPL Kits come with ‘Quality Assurance guarantee’ and can be used for an ‘unlimited number of students’ of your RTO.
IMPORTANT: RTOs purchase a license for their RTO only and are NOT permitted to share the documents with any other entity. Purchasers are asked to agree to a license agreement to this effect prior to purchase.
Qualification: RII60520 – Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design (Release 2)
- BSBPMG632 : Manage Program Risk
- BSBTWK502 : Manage Team Effectiveness
- BSBWHS616 : Apply Safe Design Principles to Control WHS Risks
- RIICWD601E : Manage Civil Works Design Processes
- RIIQUA601E : Establish and Maintain a Quality System
- RIICWD507D : Prepare Detailed Geotechnical Design
- RIICWD533E : Prepare Detailed Design of Civil Concrete Structures
- RIILAT402E : Provide Leadership in the Supervision of diverse work teams
- BSBSTR601 : Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement
- BSBOPS601 : Develop and Implement Business Plans
- BSBPEF501 : Manage Personal and Professional Development
- BSBSTR602 : Develop Organisational Strategies
Note: Elective units not listed may be developed on request. (To make a request please contact us on
Reference “study 1” :
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