Dual Consulting Model (DCM)
The Dual Consulting Model (DCM) of Careers In Care ensures that industry needs are identified in consultation with the Employers. To facilitate this, the consulting arm of Careers In Care actively engages with the Industry to identify workforce development needs. These are then translated into meaningful courses and competency assessments that are written by Subject Matter Experts who are practicing professionals. The courses are then reviewed and validated by the Industry to ensure validity, currency, relevancy and sufficiency. The focus is on meaningful industry engagement to improve training outcomes.
Our Success Mantra
Careers In Care has a dedicated team of professionals (consultants, subject matter experts, course developers, Industry representatives) to support the research and development of new and innovative products and services. Apart from an untiring zeal to make a difference, the Founder of the company attributes success to the following key features:
- Ongoing Industry consultation
- Practicing professionals as courses developers who are Subject Matter Experts in their own rights
- Robust online training portal supported by a dedicated team of IT professionals
- Systematic quality control process
- Continuing research and development. The company reinvests more than 50% of the annual revenue into research and development to come up with innovative and meaningful products and services each year.
Industries we cater to
Careers In Care caters to the following industries in Australia:
- Aged care
- Children Services
- Vocational Education and Training
- Retail & Business Services
- Commercial Cookery & Hospitality