Registered Training Organisation (RTO) are required to collect and report on a range of accurate and complete data about business and operations, including:
- Quality indicator data, and
- Total Vocational Education and Training (VET) activity data.
Other types of data that ASQA may request from an RTO include:
- business registration records
- documents demonstrating the organisation’s financial viability
- information demonstrating how relevant people associated with the organisation satisfy the Fit and Proper Person Requirements
- information on strategies, facilities and other materials used to conduct training and assessment
- documents demonstrating trainers’ credentials
- information about delivery operations (e.g. modes, venues, funding, student types, activity conducted)
- evidence to demonstrate appropriate records management systems
- public liability insurance coverage, and
- the names of current or past students, who may be surveyed about satisfaction levels.
What are Quality Indicators ?
Quality Indicators are the performance indicators endorsed by the Ministerial Council, or its delegate, against which the RTO is required to collect and use data. Quality Indicators have been identified as being useful for the purpose of continuous improvement within RTOs and to inform the risk assessments of RTOs by VET Regulators.
Learner engagement data – how do you measure this ?
This quality indicator focuses on the extent to which learners engage in activities that are likely to promote high-quality skill outcomes. It includes learner perceptions of the quality of their competency development and the support they receive from their RTOs. The source of data to measure this indicator is a survey called the Learner Questionnaire. RTOs must gather and analyse this data each year.
Employer satisfaction – why is this important ?
This quality indicator focuses on employer evaluation of learner competency development and the relevance of learner competencies for work and further training, as well as employer evaluation of the overall quality of the training and assessment. The source of data to measure this indicator is a survey called the Employer Questionnaire. RTOs must gather and analyse this data each year.
National VET provider collection data
AVETMISS is a national VET data standard that ensures the consistent and accurate capture and reporting of VET information about students, providers, courses and training outcomes.
RTO must obtain and report full AVETMISS data for all learners, except for specified training that is exempt under the National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy.
Reporting timelines
Quality Indicator data is required for previous calendar year (1 January to 31 December) and must be submitted to ASQA by email by close of business 30 June each year.
Failure to do so will result in the RTO not complying with its statutory registration requirements and potentially constitute a breach of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
RTOs must retain evidence that they have submitted full AVETMISS data for all learners as required in the National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy. This is due annually by the end of February for the previous calendar year.
Audit Findings
ASQA’s regulatory experience shows that some RTOs are not lodging their AVETMISS data or are lodging data that is rejected as it is not AVETMISS-compliant.
RTOs that conducted no VET activity—that is, no student enrolment, training/assessment delivery or AQF certification issuance—in the previous calendar year are still required to report this through the AVETMISS validation system.
Recommended CIC Academy online course: Meeting Data Provision Requirements
Data reporting – RTO statutory registration requirement