Improving your study skills – Top 5 Strategies

As many wise people have claimed, the best way to learn is by doing. However, how do we ensure that the tasks we take on will truly be beneficial for our acquisition of knowledge?
I have come to notice that the common mindset surrounding the perpetually intertwined concepts of studying and learning is that the more you study, the more you learn. However, after many regretful days of sitting behind desks and rereading course work in hopes of eventual memorisation, I have come to the conclusion that if you do not possess the proper study skills, you will not achieve the best learning outcomes, regardless of how much time you put in.

In order to truly optimise your studying hours, you will need to first monitor and improve on the way you study.  Spread your learning wings – to get started here are five of the most recommended strategies to undertake in order to refine your study skills.


Personalised Noting System

Everyone consumes information in original and individual ways. The process through which your friends take down notes may not be the best process for you as well. Personalising your note-taking system to better suit your method of learning, through particular page structures, colour codes or illustrations and diagrams, can significantly increase the amount of material you consume and, most importantly, understand. Moreover, such customisation overtime will improve your organisational abilities, a transferable skill highly beneficial in the fast-paced world of employment.


A Structured Schedule

In addition to a custom noting system it is also vital to maintain a consistent schedule when it comes to your learning. Spacing out work into a more microlearning format and leaving enough time for you to tackle everything conveniently and efficiently without last minute rushed work, further serves as profit to your employable attributes.


Regular Breaks

Although breaks during intense studying may seem like a waste of time they are in fact quite advantageous. Regular breaks of 5 to 10 minutes every hour, from sitting, reading and writing, helps reduce your stress levels and assists in refocusing your mind. Moreover, breaks provide time to correct posture and properly take care of often neglected personal health during studying. This all allows for longer attention to your learning afterwards and oftens provides people with a more optimistic outlook to their work.


Constant Recall of Information

Cramming content may get you safely through the next day however it certainly does not support permanent procuration of relevant knowledge. The only way to ensure true understanding is through constant recall of learned information, days, months and even years after first learning the content. Revising work will help establish a strong base for your knowledge and is an essential skill for work in all fields, allowing you to ultimately avoid late night effort and unwanted stress.


Peer Communication and Consultation

Although you may not share the same methods of recall and learning as your peers, it is always beneficial to reflect and consult on course material with close friends and colleagues. Such peer communication opens pathways to a clearer overview of concepts and clarification on key knowledge points.


Of course all of the above strategies require persistent effort. However, if you integrate these methods almost habitually into your life you are bound to notice better learning outcomes – the ultimate goal to your studying.

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Written by Tanishqa Mathur
CIC Blogger

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