The global COVID-19 pandemic has imposed sudden and unprecedented pressure on governments and industries all around the world, with almost every sector affected.
Vocational education and training (VET) is not any different and was uniquely impacted as the training providers could no longer continue face-to-face delivery. So they had to come up with innovative methodologies to survive and continue delivering the courses. VET is a sector in which outcomes are competency based. Therefore, it becomes very important that the learners are assessed across all range of skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competencies.
Undoubtedly, VET providers quickly adapted with new environment and successfully switched to online delivery. ASQA welcomed and endorsed the move, however it has identified few potential concerns, which might have been overlooked e.g. non-registration of courses before commencing delivery, not being fully equipped with relevant resources, administrative oversights or lack of experience in engaging third parties to deliver the courses.
Regardless of mode of delivery, ASQA expects VET providers to maintain quality of the program so that learners are well versed with relevant skills and knowledge lack of which could lead to serious impacts on the learners, organisation’s reputation and overall confidence in VET sector.
Other major concerns highlighted by ASQA in online mode of delivery are confirming the identity of the learners, supporting the learners with digital technology, keeping the learners engaged, motivated and interested in classes and ensuring that the assessments conducted are valid, sufficient, authentic and current.
In some occupational fields, theory can be taught and learned online, but practical aspects cannot be effectively delivered because of lack of access to tools, materials, equipment and machinery. The real challenge is delivering the courses in which work placement hours are mandatory. Due to temporary inaccessibility of workplaces, VET providers are finding it very challenging to complete the practical part of the courses. ASQA has provided guidelines to use simulated environments to conduct placement hours and assessments without compromising the rigour.
With continual efforts from ASQA to keep up the quality of VET education, all training providers are responsible for strengthening their capacity to respond to current challenges as well as to adapt and respond effectively to unforeseen changes to the labour market.
CIC Academy offers a short course (Professional Development) to help you develop an understanding of challenges faced by VET sector during COVID-19.
Every course offered by CIC Academy is Industry recommended and is written by Subject Matter Experts.
CIC Academy
Improving Learning Outcomes