Once you have started your journey with a supportive training organisation, it is vital for you be clear with your aim in your head and understand all the roles and responsibilities you will be expected to comply with once you gain employment in this industry. Depending on the type of qualification you choose, it is important you understand what position you will hold in the industry. If you choose to pursue a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30113), you will come out being an assistant educator on successfully completing all the requirements and the time period for this is an year (comprising of 18 units and a minimum of 120 hours of work placement experience). If you wish to pursue a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50113), you will be attaining a role of a qualified educator (Room leader) on successfully completing 28 units and a minimum of 240 hours of Work placement experience. Refer to https://training.gov.au/
Work placement is structured workplace learning that helps prepare you for the workforce. It is a mandatory component of training for both Certificate III and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care and is designed to help you better understand the course objectives by putting them into practice. Work placement can be found by approaching individual childcare centres directly or applying online through local councils who offer this or your training organisation may also assist you in order to tie up with relevant facilities.
In order to complete your work placement, you must apply for a current police clearance certificate, first Aid (AFA) and working with children check. It is ideal to apply for an ‘employee’ WWCC rather than a ‘volunteer’ one as in most cases, it is most likely for EC services to employee you if you complete your work placement experience effectively complying with all the rules and legislations and also depending on demand. In general, you will be expected to start your work placement after you have completed 10%-20% of your formal study at a Registered Training Organisation. You may complete your work placement in a long day care, OSHC, FDC (your own or at a qualified educator’s service). Refer to https://aussiechildcarenetwork.com.au
Both theory and practical components of the courses will assist and guide you to develop and implement on a high quality early childhood program providing a safe and nurturing environment while promoting the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of young children.