You may have come across people recommend to you to get into the ‘ECEC’ industry if you are an “Alien” to Australia and you may have wondered at times why is this term so popular here? You may have even faced a dilemma when you were just wanting to switch your career but did not know where to start from or what to choose from.
If you are a person who loves children and genuinely wants to work in an area that is both rewarding and well paid, then consider ECEC as your career path. Early Childhood Education and Care Services is not a universal concept as it means different things to different people and it is purely associated with positive social, physical, emotional and intellectual outcomes, both in the short and long term for children aged anywhere from 6 weeks-5 years.
Research shows that children who start ahead tend to stay ahead. Significant differences in children’s development are evident by age two and have a tendency not to close over time. The early years provide the foundation for the rest of a child’s life and people who pledge to work in this area honestly help to provide the best opportunities for children to fulfill their potential.
Employment is this industry could contribute to a gratifying job if you genuinely want to work with children and be able to contribute even just a drop to the ocean they live in and share an irreplaceable relationship with them and support their families in all possible ways. This field further opens up a number of doors for you if you aim to progress to higher levels and use your industry experience into other areas on completing relevant qualifications such as Bachelors of teaching (Early childhood, primary or secondary), Training and Assessment ( if you see yourself training in this course), opening up your own Family Day Care, working in a Long day/Occasional care and much more.