Choosing the correct cooking method not only impacts the final product, but also affects the texture, appearance, and flavor of the dish. It’s the slow-cooking of ribs that makes them fall-off-the-bone tender, and the hot deep-frying oil that gives donuts a crispy, golden brown exterior and soft, doughy middle.
At the end of the day your final dishes need to meet the expectations set for them by the industry and your customers. In order to ensure that they are doing so, keep in mind the following criteria:
- Appearance (is it visually appealing and looking fresh? have the drips been wiped and serving ware cleaned?)
- Taste (does it offer up a rounded taste?)
- Aroma (does it smell fresh?)
- Texture (is it’s mouthfeel as desired? Is it unnecessarily chewy or crispy?)
- Temperature (is the serving ware the right temperature? is it being served at room temp., cool, or warm?)
- Consistency (are any pieces cut and distributed evenly? is the plate sizing consistent)
Cooking methods can be broken down into three sub-categories: dry heat, moist heat, and a combination of the two. The dry-heat method, which is a relatively quick process, adds crispness and flavor, but doesn’t tenderize. Ingredients cooked this way are small, thin, and already tender – think sautéing ground meat and roasting vegetables.
The moist-heat cooking method involves cooking with water or stock, like poaching fish and steaming broccoli. The third category is a combination of the two and often uses long, slow-cooking periods to tenderize and break down tough cuts of meat, like braising pork shoulder.
If you know the correct way to handle and store food, correct use of cookery equipments and utensils, workplace safety and cleanliness methods and basic recipes and planning strategies you will surely find a job to earn your living.
A short course on basic cookery methods is always a good start to a promising career.
Interested in a short course? Visit Commercial Cookery & Hospitality | CIC Academy (
For CIC Academy
Richa Mathur, VET Trainer and Assessor